in Independent Publisher News

Independent Publisher (Beta) Now Available

Independent Publisher v1.0-beta is now available. You can download it here.

Feedback is very much appreciated! You can email me, tweet @raamdev, or file feedback in a new GitHub Issue.

Project Momentum

Since this project started on September 7th, 2013, a total of 4 contributors have made a total of 425 code commits to the Independent Publisher. The project on GitHub has been starred by 46 people and has been forked 8 times. A total of 61 Issues have been closed.

In the past month alone, 3 authors have pushed 47 commits to all branches, excluding merges. On the master branch, 16 files have changed and there have been 507 additions and 260 deletions.

There are also 52 subscribers to the Independent Publisher mailing list, which continues to grow every week.

Sightings in the Wild

Here’s a list of sites that I’ve discovered are already using a development copy of the theme. The best thing about this is that I’ve discovered so many awesome people doing and writing about awesome stuff!

(If you’re using the Independent Publisher theme and you’re not on this list, I’d love to know about your site.)

Request for Comments (i.e., Beta Testers, Help!)

I’ve been working on this project for the past six months and I’m finally ready to push it to the next level. But before I make an official release to the Themes Repository, I want to give you–the early adopters who have shown an interest in this project–the opportunity to voice your opinions and comments and let me know of any glaring bugs or missing features.

Please download this beta release of the Independent Publisher theme and test it out. You can install the theme by going to WP Dashboard → Appearance → Themes → Add New → Upload and selecting the ZIP file that you downloaded.

If you discover a bug or have a feature request to make, please open a new GitHub Issue or you can just send me an email.

The beta testing phase will be open for 1 week, after which I will start planning the official release.

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